CHEM 105

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General College Chemistry 1 with Lab (Integrated)

Chemistry and Biochemistry College of Computational, Mathematical, & Physical Sciences

Course Description

Atomic and molecular structure including bonding and periodic properties of the elements; reaction energetics, electrochemistry, acids and bases, inorganic and organic chemistry. Includes an exploratory laboratory component.

When Taught

All Semesters/Terms









Other Prerequisites

Math 110 (or equivalent) or concurrent enrollment.


Primarily for students in engineering and biological sciences. Three lectures per week plus recitation sections and exploratory lab assignments. Registering for a given section (other than an online section) will automatically register you for the lecture and the recitation. Additional seats for specific sections may be available to Freshman Mentoring participants through envelopes. Offered by BYU Independent Study; enroll anytime throughout the year; one year to complete; additional tuition required; register at


Chemistry fundamentals

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate a familiarity with the basic vocabulary and concepts of chemistry.


Quantitative laws

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate a qualitative and basic quantitative understanding of the fundamental chemical laws which govern the material substances in our universe and which express how one variable in nature depends on another.


Problem solving

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate the ability to manipulate quantitative descriptors of natural phenomena expressed both in the form of equations and of proportionalities, and solve chemistry problems using these skills.


Chemical Phenomenon

Learning Outcome

A successful Chemistry 105 students describes chemical phenomenon by first focusing on properties of the elements at the atomic level. Chemistry 105 students will gain a knowledge base of reactivity patterns of elements and compounds.


Field of Study

Learning Outcome

Chemistry 105 students will be able to use their chemistry experience, knowledge, and skills to better understand and work in their own field of study.