Fine Arts and Communications
College of Fine Arts and Communications
The College of Fine Arts and Communications houses the Departments of Art, Dance, Design, and Theatre and Media Arts, as well as the School of Communications and the School of Music. It also fosters lifelong learning and enriches the educational environment across campus through hundreds of performances and presentations by students and faculty each year as well as through the exhibits and collections of the Museum of Art. Beyond the borders of campus, our students undertake research projects, pursue internships, participate in experiential learning activities both domestically and internationally as well as study abroad programs across the globe, and our performing ensembles reach worldwide audiences through annual tours.
The curricula of the College of Fine Arts and Communications encourage students to aspire to the highest scholastic and artistic standards, following within their respective specialties the sacred injunction to seek, inquire, discern, and articulate knowledge. The college celebrates creative and scholarly work as an exploration of humanity and divinity.
Students in the college balance a strong liberal arts foundation with specialized, rigorous training in the methods, theories, histories, and practices of their chosen disciplines. Each of the programs within the college seeks to produce graduates whose creative and professional work contributes positively to society while benefiting the organizations for which they work and enriching the audiences they reach. By encouraging exceptional performance, presentation, and communication, graduates emerge as scholars and professionals within their disciplines and informed, creative voices within their communities.
Dean: Edward Eugene Adams
Associate Dean: Amy Petersen Jensen
Associate Dean: Jeremy N Grimshaw
Associate Dean: Eric Gillett
Assistant Dean: Don Powell
Assistant Dean: Melinda Semadeni
Assistant Dean: Thaylene Rogers
Contact Information:
189 WCO
Advisement Center:
1190 WCCB
College Advisement Center
The College of Fine Arts and Communications Advisement Center recognizes the opportunity and responsibility to be actively involved in our students' educational journey. The advisement center is committed to not only establish an important, service-oriented connection with each student in a caring, friendly environment, but to also provide accurate and timely information to better prepare them for greater academic success.
Professional academic advisors are available to provide information regarding university policies and procedures, dates and deadlines, registration, faculty advisor referrals, major/minor application preparation, major/minor planning and progression, graduation qualification, as well as many other academic concerns. For more information and resources, visit cfacadvise.byu.edu.
Interdisciplinary Degrees
Animation is an interdisciplinary degree offered by the Department of Design through the cooperative involvement of the Department of Theatre and Media Arts, the Department of Design, and the Department of Computer Science.
Music Dance Theatre is an interdisciplinary degree offered by the Department of Theatre and Media Arts through the cooperative involvement of the School of Music, the Department of Theatre and Media Arts, and the Department of Dance.
Enrollment in a Major Program
Enrollment in most degree programs in the College of Fine Arts and Communications is limited by the availability of resources such as facilities, equipment, and faculty; the number of students interested in pursuing those degrees exceeds the number that can be admitted. Students are asked to carefully study the requirements of the major program they desire to enter to determine if the program really fits his or her personal goals and educational objectives. Students should consult departmental websites for details about audition dates, portfolio submissions, or other requirements to be considered for admission into competitive programs. Make special note of audition dates, submission deadlines, etc.
The application process for each major has been structured to be as fair and impartial as possible. Enrollment limitations require those evaluating applications to make difficult decisions. Those who are not admitted into his or her desired program are encouraged to move quickly and decisively toward an alternative major program.
Applications for degree programs in the college are available online through each department's website. Prior to applying, students must complete all of the prerequisite courses and/or specific requirements stipulated in the application process. For further information, please contact the appropriate department or school directly. For contact information go to http://cfac.byu.edu.
Scholarships and Awards
Performance awards are offered by each of the academic units within the college. Applications and information about auditions for performance awards can be obtained by contacting the appropriate department or school.
Applications for general academic scholarships can be obtained online here or at the Scholarship Office. For information about graduate scholarships, fellowships, and grants-in-aid, see the Graduate Studies website.