Theatre and Media Arts
Department of Theatre and Media Arts
Chair: Megan Sanborn Jones
Department Information:
D-581 HFAC
Advisement Center:
157 WCSE
Admission to Degree Program
Several degree programs—Acting, Media Arts (major and minor), Music Dance Theatre, and Theatre Education in the Department of Theatre and Media Arts are limited enrollment and have an application process. The Theatre Arts Studies programs (major and minor) are open enrollment. Please see the college advisement center for specific details at their website https://advisement.cfac.byu.edu/ or by phone at 801-422-3777.
Our mission is to promote literacy, creativity, and spirituality in the arts of theatre and media, to illuminate and confirm truth, tell the most important stories, and celebrate the infinite potential of the human soul. We work to develop scholar artists who are inspired by the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and who build on the great works of the past and present to become the innovators of the future.
The Discipline
As a department we understand the spiritual power of the performing arts to uplift and inspire. President Kimball clearly understood the same—he mentions the fine arts more often than any other field of study in “The Second Century” address. As we train our students to be leaders in their fields of Theatre and Media Arts, they are prepared to go into some of the most influential professions—creating the stories available on television, movies screens, the internet, and stages both educational and professional. WE accomplish this training through a careful balance of foundational critical studies and exciting mentored-learning activities that culminate in run an award-winning theatre season of seven faculty-directed and four student-directed productions in three different theatres, and the production of about eight fiction, non-fiction, and animated short films each year. As we use gospel methodology for this training, our students are in the powerful position of understanding how to use their testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ to be a light in the entertainment industries that shape much of our world.
Career Opportunities
The five majors in TMA—Acting, Media Arts Studies, Music Dance Theatre (MDT), Theatre Arts Studies, and Theatre Arts Education — provide both a strong liberal arts foundations and specialized technical training. These programs emphasize professional practices, creative problem-solving, and collaboration. Students from our TMA programs are prepared for careers in the fields of theatre and media arts, including but not limited to acting on community, regional, and Broadway stages; acting in film and television; costume, set, lights, and prop design and technology; directing on stage and screen; K-12 teaching in theatre and film; stage management; playwriting and screenwriting; video editing, video producing, and commercial filmmaking. Students are also ready for graduate studies, and have a wide range of transferrable skills that will set them on a path for success no matter what their future holds.
General Information
Students interested in the Media Arts Studies major should declare the Media Arts Studies pre-major under the Change Major link in MyMAP. Declaring the Media Arts Studies pre-major does not guarantee entrance into the Media Arts Studies program, which is a limited enrollment program. An application is required for entrance into the major and minor programs. Students applying to the Media Arts Studies program must have completed or be enrolled in TMA 102 and TMA 187 at the time they submit their application. See the media arts program description for details.
The Theatre Arts Studies major (or minor) is an open enrollment program. Students interested in general theatre studies, dramaturgy, playwriting, directing, stage management, critical studies, or design and technology (costume, lighting, makeup, scenic, or sound), should declare the theatre arts studies major (or minor), under the Change Major link in MyMAP.
Students interested in the Theatre Arts Education major should declare the Theatre Arts Education pre-major under the Change Major link in MyMAP. Declaring the pre-major does not guarantee entrance into the theatre arts education program. Students must fulfill particular requirements for entrance. See program description for details.
Students interested in BFA acting should declare the Acting pre-major under the Change Major link in MyMAP. Declaring the pre-major does not guarantee entrance into the BFA program, which is a limited enrollment program. Students must fulfill particular requirements for entrance. See program description for details.
Students interested in Music Dance Theatre (MDT) should declare the MDT pre-major under the Change Major link in MyMAP. Declaring the MDT pre-major does not guarantee entrance into the MDT program, which is a limited enrollment program. Students must fulfill particular requirements for entrance. See program description for details.
Students interested in the Animation limited enrollment program should contact the Design Department for application requirements.
Graduation Requirements
To receive a BYU bachelor's degree a student must complete, in addition to all requirements for a specific major, the following university requirements:
The University Core, consisting of requirements in general and religious education.
At least 30 credit hours must be earned in residence on the BYU campus in Provo as an admitted day student
A minimum of 120 credit hours
A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
Be in good standing with the Honor Code Office
Students should see their college advisement center for help or information concerning the undergraduate programs.
Graduate Programs Available
This department also offers graduate degree programs. For more information, see Graduate Studies.