Department of Dance
Chair: Shayla Bott
Department Information:
294 RB
Advisement Center:
1190 WCCB
The Department of Dance integrates body, mind, and spirit through performance, choreography, teaching, scholarship.
General Information
Brigham Young University has been an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Dance since 1989. The BYU Department of Dance provides a broad base for professional training in both the classroom and the studio. The department is organized administratively into four areas: Ballet, Ballroom Dance, Contemporary Dance, and World Dance. These areas work cooperatively to provide opportunities for all students at the university to develop their potential in dance. To this end, the department offers a wide variety of foundational courses.
Our versatile undergraduate program includes four degrees: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Dance, Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Dance Education K-12, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Dance, and Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Music Dance Theatre (MDT). The Dance BA is an open enrollment program; the Dance Education, Dance BFA, and MDT programs require audition to be admitted to the program. Students are encouraged to declare pre-majors for these majors upon arrival to campus. Pre-major requirements: Dance Education K-12 pre-major; Dance BFA pre-major; MDT pre-major.
Intensive major course work in the Dance BA, Dance Education and Dance BFA programs include studies in the dance sciences, dance history, and additional academic work that develops performance, choreography, teaching, scholarship and leadership skills in all types of dance.
Performing opportunities are provided both on and off campus with various groups, some that travel locally, nationally and internationally. Most dance technique and performance classes are not restricted to dance majors. Placement in technique and performance classes is determined by audition.
At Brigham Young University, dance celebrates the best in humankind and strives to enrich the lives of all who experience it.
Career Opportunities
Traditional career paths in the dance field include teaching, performance, and choreography. Teaching opportunities are available in a variety of venues, including but not limited to colleges and universities (for those with graduate degrees), K-12 public and private schools, community education and recreational programs, private studios, health and fitness facilities, preschool and day care centers, and rehabilitative facilities. Performing opportunities are available by audition with professional and regional companies and in theatrical, television, and film production. Opportunities to create choreographic work as either a guest or resident artist are also available in various venues, including but not limited to professional and regional companies, university dance programs, public and private schools, private studios, community programs, theatrical, television and film venues. Equally rewarding dance-related careers are also available in the areas of dance and arts administration, criticism, dance athletic training, dance therapy, history, research, notation, and reconstruction, and theater arts studies. A degree in dance also has many transferrable skills that relate to creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking (21st Century Skills).
Admission to Degree Programs
The Bachelor of Art (BA) in Dance is an open enrollment program. Students may enter the Dance BA program by declaring it as a major upon acceptance to the university.
The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Dance Education K-12, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Dance, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Dance Theatre (MDT) are limited enrollment programs. Students must audition for acceptance into these degree programs. Please see the Dance Department website (dance.byu.edu) and/or major program coordinators for dates and specific details regarding each program.
Departmental Requirements
All dance technique courses require a grade of at least B– and faculty approval for advancement to next level.
Majors must complete annual mandatory advisement and follow the MAP sheet to assure successful course sequencing. Failure to follow suggested course sequencing may result in delayed graduation.
Exceptions to major course requirements and sequencing are strongly discouraged and rarely granted.
Majors are counseled to maintain healthy lifestyle practices.
Graduation Requirements
To receive a BYU bachelor's degree a student must complete, in addition to all requirements for a specific major, the following university requirements:
The University Core, consisting of requirements in general and religious education.
At least 30 credit hours must be earned in residence on the BYU campus in Provo as an admitted day student
A minimum of 120 credit hours
A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
Be in good standing with the Honor Code Office
Students should see their college advisement center for help or information concerning the undergraduate programs.