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Collaborative UX Design: Implementation

Design College of Fine Arts and Communications

Course Description

Well-designed interactive products become most successful when they account for the complete context of their creation: from business strategy and brand narrative to well-crafted interfaces and targeted end goals. Consequently, the best products require collaboration between various domains (designers, software engineers, and product managers) working toward a common goal. Every student in this class will gain a rich experience in real-world product creation.

You are invited to think of yourself as more than designers but as co-founders, not just students but entrepreneurs. For you and your teams, collaboration should not be limited to each member’s own domain of expertise and should compound your team members’ strengths through frequent collaboration, iteration, and validation.

When Taught

Fall and Winter







Other Prerequisites

Acceptance to Sandbox is required to join a cross-disciplinary team.


Cross-disciplinary Teamwork

Learning Outcome

Students will effectively leverage cross-discipline team product work.


Strategic and coded design

Learning Outcome

Students will demonstrate an ability to create work that achieves strategic needs and works within functional coded product.


Strategy & Storytelling

Learning Outcome

Students will develop, articulate, and pitch product strategy and brand storytelling as key elements of design decisions.


Branding & Interfaces

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to develop strategic brand identities with coordinated interface and visual design systems.


Prototyping for clarity

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to use prototyping tools to clarify interactions and animations that enhance the user experience.


Validation through research and testing

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to use research and testing methodologies to validate strategy and empathize with and address user needs.