Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages
Chair: Richard D McBride
Department Information:
3064 JFSB
Advisement Center:
1041 JFSB
Admission to Degree Program
All degree programs in the Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages are open enrollment. Some special limitations apply for teaching minors.
The Discipline
The many countries of Asia and the Near East are among the oldest civilizations in the world. The study of the languages and cultures of these nations gives students access to some of the richest and most varied traditions of thought, belief, and behavior to be found. A large percentage of the vast, essentially non-Christian segment of the world’s population resides in these two zones: Asia—with its diverse heritage of belief in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and other systems of thought—continues to retain its “exotic” image for most Westerners, even though many nations in the region are at the forefront of contemporary politics and economics. The Near East, birthplace of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, remains a little-understood, often stereotyped area of considerable economic, strategic, and religious importance today.
The languages of these regions are themselves generally difficult, with complex writing systems that require diligent study. But exposure to these languages and the cultures they express will enable students to look at the world from new perspectives and deepen their understanding of peoples whose history and practices are widely divergent from their own.
Courses in the department equip students with verbal and written facility in the languages of their chosen area, whereas linguistics courses offer an understanding of how the languages are structured and acquired. A study of the literature reveals old and sophisticated traditions no less important than that of English or any other major language.
Majors are available in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and a second major in Arabic. Students can obtain a minor in Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, and Modern Hebrew. Each discipline is briefly described below.
Arabic (second major program)
Arabic study at BYU stresses facility in speaking a colloquial dialect and fluency in reading the press. The program is designed to supplement the Middle East Studies/Arabic major which prepares students for government-, agency-, and NGO-related work. The second major program, which is conceived as a supplement to the Middle East Studies/Arabic major, aims to push students' reading and speaking ability in the direction of the superior level.
The study of Chinese accesses the literature, thought, culture, and society of the world's largest population with the longest cultural continuum; moreover, since the civilizations of Japan, Korea, and Vietnam are founded on traditional Chinese Confucianism, a major in Chinese opens up much of the wider world of modern Asia. You will communicate in spoken and written Mandarin, gain skills in analyzing and appreciating both traditional and modern literature, acquire effective research strategies, and learn to write clearly and persuasively. All the personal enrichment and interpersonal understanding that results from a liberal arts education in the humanities is offered through the study of Chinese.
The BYU Hebrew program offers courses and minor degrees in both Biblical Hebrew and Modern Hebrew. Biblical Hebrew students develop appreciation for the Hebrew Bible and competence to read prose and poetry. The program is designed to provide students with habits of study so that they may enjoy a life-long exploration of the Hebrew Bible. Students of Modern Hebrew gain access to the spoken language of the State of Israel and, through it, to Jews throughout the world. The Modern Hebrew program emphasizes the ability to speak and understand Modern Hebrew, to analyze Israeli literature and media, and to appreciate the cultural dynamics of the language.
The study of Japanese at the university level will provide students an opportunity to develop high level communication skills to acquire a greater understanding of Japan and its people. Additionally, students will be introduced to the rich cultural heritage of Japan in literature and the other arts. The study of Japanese language and literature will introduce students to many of the major aspects of that heritage, while providing the kind of training in language and cultural skills that will prepare students to undertake careers in a wide variety of fields.
Korean is a difficult language, and at BYU we emphasize reading and writing the language as well as speaking and listening. Basic course work emphasizes linguistic skill and the language’s literary value and tradition.
Career Opportunities
Students who major or minor in the languages and cultures of Asia and the Near East will find that, as will any other humanities-centered course of study, they have been well provided with tools to communicate both in the target language and in English and have broadened and deepened their knowledge of the region of their choice. Career options are many and varied for such students, but those who do not plan to continue on in the academic study of the language are strongly urged to consider a second major or a strong minor in a practical field that can be combined with their language skills. In today's competitive world, language ability alone no longer provides the advantage it once offered on the job market. Students are urged to consult the College of Humanities Advisement Center, Career Placement Services, and their academic advisors for the best ways to make use of their language as they begin to seek employment.
Graduates of our program find jobs in government agencies (the State Department, intelligence, the military), NGOs, and in international business. Many students use their Middle East Studies/Arabic major, or Arabic minor, as preparation for applying to MBA programs, law school, and medical or dental school.
Chinese majors have all of the advantages of the liberal arts graduate (who claims effective communication and interpersonal skills) with the added edge of knowing the language and culture behind a leading world economy. Therefore, graduates enter the work force in a wide variety of occupations, such as journalism, insurance, business, travel, investment, and government service. They not only are marketable as trained linguists, translators, and cultural advisors, but are vigorously recruited as personnel managers and business representatives by companies with overseas interests. Graduates are also highly competitive in applying to professional schools for medicine, dentistry, law, and business.
Many students who minor in Biblical Hebrew major in Ancient Near Eastern Studies; some students continue on to earn Masters and Ph.D degrees. Eventually they are prepared to enter the academic field in a university setting, in seminary and institute programs of the Church Educational System, as independent researchers, or in related fields. Students who minor in Modern Hebrew will find the degree to be an asset if seeking jobs in government agencies (intelligence, State Department, military), international business, or the academic field.
In recent years, graduates from the Japanese major at BYU have gone on to law, engineering, computer, or MBA programs, while others have continued on to medical, dental, and other professional schools. A few have pursued graduate work in a variety of academic fields at some of the most prestigious universities in the country. Others have gone directly to work in government service, in the military, and in American or Japanese business firms where their language ability and cultural background are in high demand. Some also pursue careers in translation or language teaching.
Most of the jobs available for students with a Korean major are in government (NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.), but Korean majors also have all the advantages of a liberal arts degree. Many of our graduates go on to professional schools, law, business, or medicine. Korean is an excellent complement, either as a major or minor, to studies in prelaw, political science, accounting, English, international relations, and many other majors available on campus. Korean is an important language in the world of diplomacy and defense, as well as the world of international business. (Korea is the eighth largest trading partner of the U.S.) Our graduates have been hired by the U.S. government and by U.S., international, and Korean businesses. They work in technical areas as well, involving everything from computers to broadcasting to medicine.
General Information
The Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages strongly recommends that StDev 317, a 1-credit-hour course, be taken at the end of the sophomore year or the beginning of the junior year. Because liberal arts degrees provide preparation in a variety of useful fields rather than a single career track, this course is recommended to help liberal arts students focus on specific educational and occupational goals and to identify the career options or educational opportunities available to them. The course will introduce them to the resources needed for accessing information about graduate schools, internships, careers, and career development. Students will learn basic employment strategies, including the steps necessary for obtaining employment related to their own specialty.
Language Credit by Examination
?Credit by examination is available for many lower-division courses of the above-listed languages. Enrollment in an advanced class is prerequisite to taking the examination.
The following languages are not taught on a regular basis but may be offered if sufficient demand exists. Credit by examination is available for some of the Near Eastern languages listed below.
Persian (Farsi)
Language Certificate Program
The Language Certificate Program is available in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean for all matriculated BYU students who are pursuing any BYU undergraduate degree. A student who meets the proficiency and course requirements may earn the Language Certificate. The proficiency requirement is met through the nationally recognized ACTFL Oral and Writing Proficiency Exams.
The Language Certificate Program is administered by the Center for Language Studies (3086 JFSB). For more information and course requirements, visit http://languagecertificate.byu.edu.
Graduation Requirements
To receive a BYU bachelor's degree a student must complete, in addition to all requirements for a specific major, the following university requirements:
The University Core, consisting of requirements in general and religious education.
At least 30 credit hours must be earned in residence on the BYU campus in Provo as an admitted day student
A minimum of 120 credit hours
A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
Be in good standing with the Honor Code Office
Students should see their college advisement center for help or information concerning the undergraduate programs.
Graduate Programs Available
This department also offers graduate degree programs. For more information, see Graduate Studies.