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Global Environmental Studies (Minor)

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Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours



Global Environmental Issues

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to articulate the cultural and scientific underpinnings of prevailing global environmental issues and evaluate policy proposals.


Critical Reasoning

Learning Outcome

Students will understand principles of cause and effect and be able to synthesize key findings from academic research on environmental issues from multiple disciplines.


Scientific Principles and Methods

Learning Outcome

Students will effectively use the scientific method to interpret data from experimental observations and communicate discoveries in written and verbal formats.


The Environment and Culture

Learning Outcome

Students will develop competencies to work sensitively across cultural contexts in order to find local cultural solutions to environmental challenges.


Environmental Stewardship and Civic Involvement

Learning Outcome

Students will foster and promote environmental stewardship within their own communities.

Program Requirements

Some courses may also fulfill GE requirements. Some optional courses to complete the minor may have prerequisites.

Requirement 1 —Complete 3 hours


course - Intro to Global Enviro Studies 3.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 9 hours

Disciplinary Foundations

Requirement 2.1 —Complete at least 3 hours up to 6 hours


course- Field Biology 3.0

course- Biology 3.0

course- Biological Diversity: Animals 3.0

course- Biological Diversity: Plants 3.0

course - Field Botany 3.0

course - Ecology 3.0

course - Intro Bio-organic Chemistry 4.0

course - Global Environment 3.0

course - Biogeography 3.0

course - Spatial Analysis of Envr Data 3.0

course - Introduction to Geology 3.0

course- Water Planet 3.0

course - Climate & the Earth System 3.0

course- Earth Data Visualization 3.0

course- Geochemistry 3.0

course-Containment Hydrogeology 3.0

course - Environmental Health 3.0

course- Environmental Toxicology 3.0

course - Energy, Climate, Environment 3.0

course - Environmental Biology 3.0

course - Global Climate Change 3.0

course - Trees 3.0

course - Soil Science 3.0

course - Sustainable Plant Systems 3.0

course - Rangeland Ecology 3.0

course - Intl Agricultural Development 3.0

Requirement 2.2 —Complete up to 6 hours


course - Bioethics 2.0

course- Sustainable Design in the Built Environment 3.0

course - Travel Writing 3.0

course - Landscapes of Disaster 3.0

course - Geography & World Affairs 3.0

course- Public Lands: Planning & Mgmt 3.0

course - Nature & History 3.0

course - American West Since 1900 3.0

course- Introduction to Development Studies 3.0

course- Professional Development in International Studies 1.0

course- Kennedy Center Lecture Series -You make take up to two times 1.0

course –Seminar in International Studies -You may take up to two times 1.0

course - Sophomore Seminar in Interdisciplinary Humanities - You may take once 3.0

course- Social Impact: Do Good Better 3.0

course- Social Impact: Leveraging Organization 3.0

course - Pol of Wilds, Parks, & Lands 3.0

course - Aquatic Policies & Laws 3.0

course- Sociology of International Development 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 3 hours

Elective Courses. A course taken on this list cannot be used to meet requirement 2. As the topics of ‘R’ courses are variable, students should approve the section topic of these courses with the program director before enrollment.

course - Plant Classif. & Identif. 4.0

course - Entomology 3.0

course - Capstone in Biodiversity & Con 3.0

course - Marine Biology 4.0

course - Plant Ecology 3.0

course-History and Philosophy of Biology 3.0

course- Behavioral Ecology 3.0

course- Stream and Wetland Ecology 3.0

course - Sustainable Infrastructure 3.0

course - Environmental Engineering Proc 3.0

course - Ch En - Health, Safety, Envir 3.0

course - Energy Engineering 3.0

course - Natrl Resources & Envir Econ 3.0

course - Writing Creative Nonfiction - You may take once 3.0

course - Intro to GIS 3.0

course - Geog of Climates 3.0

course - Public Lands: Planning & Mgmt 3.0

course - Planning for Unique Lands 2.0

course - Geomorphology 3.0

course- Groundwater 3.0

course - Environmental Soil Chemistry 3.0

course - Seminar in the Humanities - You may take once 3.0

course - Thermodynamics 3.0

course - Environmental Ethics - You may take once 3.0

course - Environmental Chemistry Lab 2.0

course - Forest Management & Ecology 3.0

course - Environmental Capstone 3.0

Requirement 4 —Complete 3 hours

Capstone. Prior to taking this course, students are recommended to take at least one 300-level course or higher among the options in requirement 2 or 3.

course - Global Enviro Studies Capstone 3.0