International Development (Minor)
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Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
Program Requirements
Courses do not double count between different requirement sections of this minor.
Requirement 1 — Complete 1 Course
IAS 220 - Intro Devel Stu 3.0
Requirement 2 — Complete 6 hours
Option 2.1 — Complete at least 3 hours up to 6 hours
EDLF 363 - Ed, Poverty & Community Dev 3.0
HLTH 480 - International Health 3.0
MSB 375 - Social Impact 3.0
PWS 420 - Intl Agricultural Development 3.0
SOC 340 - Soc of International Develpmnt 3.0
Option 2.2 — Complete up to 3 Hours
POLI 346 - Southeast Asian Politics 3.0
POLI 347 - Russia/Former Soviet Politics 3.0
POLI 348 - Government & Politics of Asia 3.0
POLI 352 - African Politics 3.0
POLI 357 - Middle East Politics 3.0
POLI 358 - Latin American Politics 3.0
Requirement 3 — Complete 9 hours
Up to 6 credits of the following courses may count if approved by the International Development Faculty Coordinator: HLTH 496R, IAS 397R, IAS 399R, and research or internship experiences in many of the major programs represented in the minor.
Option 3.1 — Complete up to 6 Hours
ANTHR 330 - Peoples of Africa 3.0
ANTHR 340 - Peoples of the Middle East 3.0
ANTHR 341 - Ethnonationalism and SE Asia 3.0
Option 3.2 — Complete up to 6 hours
ECON 431 - Economic Development 3.0
ECON 432 - Economic Growth 3.0
ECON 459 - International Monetary Theory 3.0
Option 3.3 — Complete up to 6 hours
EDLF 362 - Intro International Dev Ed 3.0
EDLF 363 - Ed, Poverty & Community Dev 3.0
EDLF 365 - Ed Policy in Develpg Countries 3.0
Option 3.4 —Complete up to 6 hours
GEOG 101 - Global Environment 3.0
GEOG 255 - Middle & South America 3.0
GEOG 271 - Middle East 3.0
GEOG 272 - East Asia 3.0
GEOG 273 - Southeast Asia 3.0
GEOG 285 - Africa South of the Sahara 3.0
GEOG 306 - Public Lands: Planning & Mgmt 3.0
Option 3.5- Complete up to 6 hours
HIST 261 - Modern Africa 3.0
HIST 290 -Nature and History 3.0
HIST 347 - Chinese Cultural History 3.0
HIST 348 - Modern Southeast Asia 3.0
Option 3.6- Complete up to 3 hours
HLTH 210 - Foundations of Public Health 3.0
HLTH 316 – Health Systems and Policy 3.0
HLTH 322 - Environmental Health 3.0
HLTH 413 - Refugee & Migrant Health 3.0
HLTH 480 - International Health 3.0
Option 3.7- Complete up to 3 hours
POLI 302 - Experimental Research Methods 3.0
POLI 303 - Qualitative Methods 3.0
POLI 342 - Gender and Politics 3.0
POLI 343 – Designing Democ. Constitutions 3.0
POLI 346 - Southeast Asian Politics 3.0
POLI 347 - Russia/Former Soviet Politics 3.0
POLI 348 - Government & Politics of Asia 3.0
POLI 352 - African Politics 3.0
POLI 357 - Middle East Politics 3.0
POLI 358 - Latin American Politics 3.0
POLI 372 - Intrnl Political Economy 3.0
POLI 374 - Ethics & Intl Affairs 3.0
POLI 381 - Intrntl Relatns of Middle East 3.0
POLI 472 - Intrnl Political Econ of Women 3.0
POLI 475 - Civil Wars & Ethnic Violence 3.0
Option 3.8- Complete up to 3 hours
PWS 150 - Environmental Biology 3.0
PWS 420 - Intl Agricultural Development 3.0
Option 3.9- Complete up to 3 hours
SOC 302 - Evaluation Research 3.0
SOC 340 - Soc of International Develpmnt 3.0
SOC 345 - World Populations 3.0
Option 3.10- Complete up to 6 hours
IAS 300 - Prof Dev International Studies 1.0
IAS 301R - KC Lecture Series - - You may take 2 times 1.0
IAS 302R - International Studies Seminar - You may take 2 times 1.0
IHUM 260 - Humanities of Latin America 3.0
MSB 375 - Social Impact 3.0
NDFS 380- International Nutrition 3.0
SFL 354 - Cross-Cultural Fam & Hum Dev 3.0
SOC W 582 - Refugee Studies 3.0
We encourage all students to earn 3-6 credit hours by completing an international study abroad (IAS 397R), internship, or field school (IAS 399R) experience that focuses on development. For a list of approved programs that will count toward the minor, or to request approval of a program, contact the International Development minor coordinator.